Cell Phone Number Math Trick

This really cool cell phone number math trick will leave them amazed and scratching their heads!

The trick can even be performed on several people at the same time, as long as they all have a cell phone. 

What You Need:

  • Someone with a Cell Phone to Perform the Trick on (It has to be a stranger or person whose cell phone number you don't know!) 
  • Piece of Paper & Pencil

How To Perform:  

  • Tell the person you're going put some numbers in the calculator of their cell phone calculator and then do a bunch of calculations. 
  • Then tell them you're going to make a prediction now to what the number is going to be.
  • Tell them to enter the first three numbers (not the area code) of their cell phone and Multiply it by 80
  • Add 1 to the previous number.
  • Now Multiply by 250.
  • Now add the last four numbers of your cell phone number to the number on your calculator.
  • Add the the last four numbers of your cell phone number again to the number on your calculator.
  • Now Subtract 250.
  • Now ask for their phone, and tell them you want to look at the number they've come up with. 
  • While looking at the number on their phone, tell them to pick up and unfold the paper to look at the prediction and while they do so, you secretly hit divide by 2 on their calculator cell phone.

Here's The Magic!

When you hit Divide by 2, their 7-digit phone number appears across the screen!

Cell Phone Number Math Trick Explained

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