Triangle Puzzles

Your students should enjoy playing around with these Triangle Puzzles! If you're familiar with magic squares, you'll get the hang of these pretty quick.

Magic Triangles

Grades: 2nd - 8th

Skills: This is an activity that will help to enhance logical thinking as well as critical thinking skills.  Students will also get practice with their mental math since they will finding sums of three or more numbers.

What You Need:  Copies of the Magic Triangle templates and number squares for each person.

Preparation: Print blank magic triangle templates and number squares for each student. (See above link)  Use same template for Triangles 1 thru 4 and the larger one for Triangle 5.  Cut out the numbers squares along the dashed lines. 

Solving the Puzzle: Fill each side of the triangle with numbers that add to the Magic Sum.  The Magic Sum for the triangle below is 9.

triangle puzzles

The Magic Triangle above already has been solved already. Each side of the triangle adds up to 9.

  • Top side:     1 + 2 + 6 = 9
  • Left side:     1 + 5 + 3 = 9
  • Right side:   2 + 4 + 3 = 9

The first four magic triangles that I list below have three circles on each side so you can print the same template for them. The fifth triangle (Magic triangle 5) has four circles on each side.

Magic Triangle 1 - Magic Sum 9

Place numbers in the circles on the triangle so that each side adds up to a total of nine. How many solutions can you find?

Magic Triangle 2- Magic Sum 10

Place numbers in the circles on the triangle so that each side adds up to a total of ten.

Magic Triangle 3 - Magic Sum 11

Place numbers in the circles on the triangle so that each side adds up to a total of eleven.

Magic Triangle 4 - Magic Sum 12

Place numbers in the circles on the triangle so that each side adds up to a total of twelve.

Magic Sum 12 Triangle

Magic Triangle 5 - Magic Sum 17

This one's a little tougher. It has four circles on each side. To solve this one, place numbers in the circles on the triangle so that each side adds up to a total of seventeen.

More Triangle Puzzles...

You'll probably also like these hands-on triangle activities...

Triangular Numbers: Let your kids explore the fascinating world of triangular numbers and how the math comes into play. 

More Magic Triangles: Check out even more magic triangles like the ones above here.

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If you haven't tried these with your students yet, now's the time! Great for building mental math addition skills.