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Math In Motion, Issue #002 -- Math-Play Hub
June 01, 2023

Hello Teachers and Parents - I'm back...,

Welcome to "Math-In-Motion" Volume 002.

I know it's been a good while, but I'm back after a long hiatus from my monthly, but more likely bi-monthly, Math-In-Motion newsletter that features fun math stuff for learning and teaching math!

As a token of my appreciation for you subscribing to the Math In Motion newsletter, and because of a prolonged absence since putting out the last newsletter, I'd like to offer you a math puzzle app called Math Matrix. Right now the app is free, but that may change soon.

Click the link below to go the the app store to get the Free download for your mobile device. The link below is for android, and I'll be adding the ios app soon.

Math Matrix Android App

The picture below is what the math matrix app looks like and you can also print a copy of a pdf math matrix puzzle here:

Addition Puzzle Math Matrix 1

The Math Matrix puzzle is great for elementary and even middle school kids to help them practice addition and subtraction in a puzzling and fun way!

Directions: Fill in the circles to make each horizontal and vertical addition / subtraction sentence true. We've filled in some numbers to help you out.

In every issue, look for new and exciting math teaching ideas for both teachers and parents. You'll find activities that kids will enjoy like math games, math puzzles, math tricks, math trivia games, etc, to help make learning math more engaging for kids. The goal of the newsletter and website is to make math come alive and not just remain the same ol' boring

That's all for now, but be on the lookout for the next issue within the next couple weeks with math brain teasers, math puzzles, math tricks for elementary and middle schoolers.

See you soon in the next issue! If you have any suggestion just let me know. Making Math Fun,
Greg Tucker

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